Eternal Perspective | The Way of Joy - Part 2 Category
Treasures in Heaven

Treasures in Heaven

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures…

Approaching One Year

Approaching One Year

My dear, sweet, headstrong Henny.  We are quickly approaching a year since the last time I saw your precious smile or heard your infectious giggle, since I…

She Perservered

She Perservered

My grandmother “Nana” died a few weeks ago.  Since I wasn’t able to be at the memorial service for my Nana, my mom asked me if I’d…

Bewildered Believer

Bewildered Believer

About a week after Henry died, I told my husband that I felt like God had entrusted us with a great sacred pain and that He would…



“It’s so unfair!”  I have heard this sentiment frequently from people as we talk about my life right now.  I feel it too.  Lots of things currently…

Perfect Love for the Imperfect

Perfect Love for the Imperfect

“What if I’m not lovable?”  This is one of life’s central questions.  As children, we learn that there are some things that we can do that result…

The Reunion

The Reunion

As I see it, there are mountains, beautiful snow capped mountains. It is a sunny day and the birds are chirping out a melody. The air is…

We Are All Expats

We Are All Expats

An expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing, as an immigrant, in a country other than that of their citizenship.  – Wikipedia In…



I came to you in expectation.  I had heard of your glory and I wanted to share in it.   So I offered my success, but my…

Visions of Heaven

Visions of Heaven

When Henry died, one of my first thoughts was that he was alone.  I pictured him dying by himself without anyone there.  I pictured his soul leaving…

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