Brokenness | The Way of Joy Category
COVID-19 and Gratitude

COVID-19 and Gratitude

Well, it’s happened.  As of noon today, we are in France on virtual house arrest for at least the next two weeks.  Our trips to London, skiing…

Filthy Rags

Filthy Rags

Kids have a way of keeping you humble.  You can be as cool and cosmopolitan as can be, but children always bring you back to Earth.   This is…

Rainbows and Shooting Stars

Rainbows and Shooting Stars

Three years ago today I was standing with my family at Gullfoss waterfall in Iceland. It was a perfect day on the longest day of the year…

Connected by Grief Through Time

Connected by Grief Through Time

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what…

I’m not okay – You’re not okay.

I’m not okay – You’re not okay.

When you meet people, how do you introduce yourself?  What do you tell them?  Do you talk about your job?  A trip you recently took?  A book…



In the movie, Under the Tuscan Sun, the protagonist, Frances, is broken hearted and devastated by her husband who has admitted his infidelity, denied that he ever…

Six Practices to Get Through Loss

Six Practices to Get Through Loss

Loss and grief are universal.  Every one of us will encounter both at some point in our lives.  The loss may look different from person to person whether it…

God is Good

God is Good

Recently friends and family have asked for prayer for a variety of trials and sicknesses.  Many have asked for healing, for miraculous intervention and restoration.  Some have…

What if Happiness Isn’t the Point?

What if Happiness Isn’t the Point?

“Oh, how I remember fondly the the efficiency and ease of doing business in Saudi Arabia!” This is a phrase I never thought I would utter, but…

And He Worshiped the Lord There

And He Worshiped the Lord There

Henry’s stone is finished and placed at the cemetery.  My mom called a few weeks ago to let me know and asked if I’d like to see…

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