Support | The Way of Joy Category
COVID-19 and Gratitude

COVID-19 and Gratitude

Well, it’s happened.  As of noon today, we are in France on virtual house arrest for at least the next two weeks.  Our trips to London, skiing…

I’m not okay – You’re not okay.

I’m not okay – You’re not okay.

When you meet people, how do you introduce yourself?  What do you tell them?  Do you talk about your job?  A trip you recently took?  A book…

Six Practices to Get Through Loss

Six Practices to Get Through Loss

Loss and grief are universal.  Every one of us will encounter both at some point in our lives.  The loss may look different from person to person whether it…

A Dad’s Reflections on Being a Mom

A Dad’s Reflections on Being a Mom

They say that to really understand a person you have to walk in her shoes. Last year I had the unique opportunity to walk in the shoes…

The Living Word of God

The Living Word of God

Since Henry’s death, Josh and I have started reading the Bible daily.  It has been such an incredible blessing and it was something that we had neglected…

Three Things You Can Do to Help a Grieving Person

Three Things You Can Do to Help a Grieving Person

What can I do to help?  I hear this question all the time.  When you experience a death in your family, people want to help, to ease…

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