Visions of Heaven
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An Offering of Brokenness. | The Way of Joy

I came to you in expectation.  I had heard of your glory and I wanted to share in it.


So I offered my success, but my efforts fell short.

I offered my confidence, but my confidence waivered.

I offered my strength, but my weakness showed through.

I offered my wisdom, but I only sounded foolish.

I offered my accomplishment, but my accomplishments were unimpressive.

I offered my status, but my status was meager.

I offered my youth, but I grew old and feeble.

I offered my wealth, but you didn’t need it.

I offered my talents, but others were better than me.

I offered my positivity, but it was only a passing sentiment.

I offered my charisma, but it was hollow and empty.

I offered my good deeds, but they were self-serving.

I offered everything I had and I was found wanting.

I have nothing to offer.

So I offer my pain.

I offer my brokenness.

I offer my shame.

I offer my struggle.

I offer my failure.

I offer my emptiness.

I offer my broken dreams.

I offer my foolishness.

I offer my repetitive and destructive sin.

I offer my loss.

I offer my questions.

I offer my doubt.

I offer my insufficiency.

I am sinful, but you are holy.

I am foolish, but in the cross there is wisdom.

I am weak, but you hold the heavens and the earth in your hands.

I am empty, but you fill me with your spirit.

I am broken, but you put my pieces back together.

I am lost, but you rescue me.

I am naked, but you cover my shame.

I am feeble, but you lift me up.

I am poor, but you care for me.

I am hungry, but you feed me with your daily bread.

I am thirsty, but you give me living water.

I am unimportant, but you have already accomplished everything.

I am covered in filth, and you wash me with your blood.


Praise be to God, who has accepted Christ’s offering instead of mine.

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