All posts written by Josh
How the Death of My Son Has Changed My Understanding of Work-Life Balance

How the Death of My Son Has Changed My Understanding of Work-Life Balance

Dangling on the mountainside, connected to a cable threaded through an iron spike in the wall of the canyon, my excitement mixed with panic mixed with the…



I came to you in expectation.  I had heard of your glory and I wanted to share in it.   So I offered my success, but my…

Visions of Heaven

Visions of Heaven

When Henry died, one of my first thoughts was that he was alone.  I pictured him dying by himself without anyone there.  I pictured his soul leaving…

Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles

Why don’t we see miracles in our lives like the ancients did?  Where is God?  If He’s really there, shouldn’t we see some evidence? Since Henry’s death,…

The Gift of Brokenness

The Gift of Brokenness

The summer after ninth grade, I went to camp for a week.  I was so excited.  Long before I left home, I was already thinking about all the…

Three Things You Can Do to Help a Grieving Person

Three Things You Can Do to Help a Grieving Person

What can I do to help?  I hear this question all the time.  When you experience a death in your family, people want to help, to ease…



I have been thinking a lot about blessings lately. What does it mean to be “blessed?” What is a blessing? How do we know when we are…

I Choose Joy

I Choose Joy

My birthday was the one week anniversary of the death of our sweet Henry. What do you do when you don’t feel like celebrating? You get up,…

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