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Visions of Heaven

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Visions of Heaven | The Way of Joy
Visions of Heaven

When Henry died, one of my first thoughts was that he was alone.  I pictured him dying by himself without anyone there.  I pictured his soul leaving his body and his transition from this world to the next all by himself.  I wouldn’t let him out of the house by himself.  How could he meet God alone?  How could he find his way?  Who would look out for him?  I know it sounds silly.  But you don’t stop being a parent when your baby dies.  You don’t stop thinking about him or worrying about him.  I wasn’t the only one thinking along that line.  In one of my early conversations with my dad, he said, “Josh, I have to have faith that the God of the universe, the same one who came to Earth as a vulnerable baby, will guide unaccompanied little boys across the divide and into the next life.”

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a woman I have never met.  She lives in the same town where Henry died.  She tracked me down to give me a message.  Her note was further confirmation to me that nothing happens outside of God’s knowledge.  Here is her message.

“I am so sorry about your baby. I cannot imagine the horrible pain you and your family are feeling. My father passed away the same day August 3 at 5:00 p.m. (Henry’s official time of death was August 3 at 4:30 p.m.). During my father’s illness he became very sick a couple of times. During one of these occasions he left us for a time and then came back telling us about going to Heaven. Oh my goodness the stories he told about the beauty of heaven and the things he saw but he said his mother told him “you can go back this time but next time you have to stay.” We asked him why and he said “because I was not ready to leave my family and because I have to wait for that little boy.” Several times toward the end he would say, “I have to wait for that little boy.” The day [the funeral director] came to pick him up she apologized for running behind.  She said that she had received a call to come and pick up a baby boy at the same time as Daddy. My sister and I just looked at each other.

My Daddy was a kind, gentle, loving man of God who adored his Grandbabies and Great Grandbabies. If a little one was around you could bet Daddy was holding them or entertaining them. I feel sure that Daddy waited for Henry and I want you to know that Henry is in very good hands. Daddy will love him like he was his. Daddy was/is such a prayer warrior and I know he is praying for your peace of mind and comfort. I pray for you, Sarah, Daddy and Sweet Henry everyday.  I know God chose to connect all of you for some reason and we will know in his timing.”

What does this mean?  I don’t know.  I am a lawyer.  I look for evidence and holes in arguments.  I tend to be skeptical and not easily swayed.  God is showing me that there is a whole world that I don’t understand.  His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts.  He is at work even when I can’t see the whole picture.  I don’t have to understand.  God does.  My wisdom is foolishness to Him.

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  • Linda says:

    Oh my goodness! The tears are flowing again as Rod and I read this. Yes we don’t need to understand His ways just to trust Him and obey. Amazing how many lives and hearts are being touched by this. Continued prayers for you and yours. To God Be The Glory!!

  • Ayshia Hatcher says:

    What a wonder blog post. Thank you so much for sharing the email you received! We serve a BIG God!

  • Cathy J White says:

    This story gave me such peace. All of a sudden, I realized we can trust God and perhaps that is enough.

  • Sandra Hardin says:

    It is so so difficult to understand why God allows things to happen sometimes, like little Henry being taken to heaven at such a young age. I too have wondered the same thing FOR you about Henry being alone or him wondering where his family is. How awesome our God IS to give you these insights into God’s love and care of His children. Thank you for allowing us to witness God’s perfect love and timing through Henry’s life even though it is difficult to understand sometimes.

  • Jill Coch says:

    Wow! I am like you Josh, skeptical of stories like this, but for you to be told about this first hand, Amazing! I know in my heart that there are so many things that I cannot understand about heaven and God. However, my finite mind still fights to reject the things that it cannot comprehend. Reading this brought me to tears! Thank you for sharing!

  • Christine says:

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

  • Lisa says:

    Oh my goodness, I sat here trying to read this as tears rolled down my face, this is such a tester of God’s grace and mercy.

  • Carolyn says:

    Your blogs never cease to touch my heart, Josh. Love y’all!

  • Denise Wojciulewicz says:

    Thank you, Josh, for sharing your feelings and this beautiful e-mail. I thought the two sort of put the pieces of a puzzle together. I believe that God gives us the answers we are looking for, being open to hearing/seeing what we receive as an answer is a gift. Reading this brought me to tears. God bless you and Sarah along with your whole families.

  • Nina says:

    My heart continues to go out to you and your family. This story shows that the ways of God are on his timing and beyond our understanding, as you mentioned. That is why we have faith. When we trust Him we know everything will work out the way He plans. Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. It so wonderful to know that God is in charge and when we show our faith we show that we love Him.

  • Heather Lammers says:

    Thank you for sharing this story. What an incredible reminder of God’s loving providence even in the hardest circumstances. I’ve been praying for your family and will continue to do so.

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