Travel | The Way of Joy Category
COVID-19 and Gratitude

COVID-19 and Gratitude

Well, it’s happened.  As of noon today, we are in France on virtual house arrest for at least the next two weeks.  Our trips to London, skiing…

Rainbows and Shooting Stars

Rainbows and Shooting Stars

Three years ago today I was standing with my family at Gullfoss waterfall in Iceland. It was a perfect day on the longest day of the year…

Connected by Grief Through Time

Connected by Grief Through Time

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what…

The Gifts We Give

The Gifts We Give

My family recently moved to France after nine years in Saudi Arabia.  For good and for bad, our new home is so different from our old home. …



“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17 Throughout our journey of loss and learning, we have been strengthened and sharpened by many people…



As I write this, I am standing at the kitchen counter surrounded by boxes containing what was our home.  We are packing up the only home we…

Nice and Cozy

Nice and Cozy

This is one of my favorite times of the year.  In May, the Royal Poinciana trees bloom in brilliant flames of red and orange.   In South Florida,…

A Dad’s Reflections on Being a Mom

A Dad’s Reflections on Being a Mom

They say that to really understand a person you have to walk in her shoes. Last year I had the unique opportunity to walk in the shoes…

Welcome to Switzerland

Welcome to Switzerland

Turquoise.  No, not turquoise exactly, more of an aqua.  Yeah, that’s it.  Or maybe blue-green?  Blue-green but also transparent.  Clear and shimmery at the same time, glowing…

The Reunion

The Reunion

As I see it, there are mountains, beautiful snow capped mountains. It is a sunny day and the birds are chirping out a melody. The air is…

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