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Treasures in Heaven

Treasures in Heaven | The Way of Joy
Treasures in Heaven

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:19-20

I always knew that my children were my treasure.  I knew when I became a dad that I would not do anything else in my life that would compare to the important task of fatherhood.  I remember when our first baby arrived telling a friend that every morning felt like Christmas when I looked in her crib.  That feeling never left and I have felt like that with all three kids.  Henry had an especially big place in my heart.  When he died, it felt like Christmas would never come again.

A gift of Henry’s death is that one of my biggest treasures is now in Heaven.  For me, it has always been difficult to think of storing up treasure in Heaven.  It sounded alright, but more in an academic sense.  The treasures of earth were too immediate to ignore, too precious to give away.

Henry’s death has made it impossible for me to ignore Heaven any longer.  My treasure and my heart are there already and suddenly the things of earth don’t seem so important.  Accomplishment, power, influence, money – I’ve seen them for the temporary and fleeting costume jewels that they are.  God had diamonds all along.  I wouldn’t have willingly given up the costume jewels, so God, thank you.  Thank you for loving me enough to bless me with a pain so deep that I will forever hold your hand, waiting with patience to see all the treasures you have in store.

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  • Marilyn Werkheiser says:

    Josh, think of you always. Henry is always in my heart. Sarah, no words can express my love for you. Beautifully written and so meaningful!

  • Ana says:

    You touch my mind, heart and soul with your words. You have gained such wisdom in your tradegy. If only we could attain it without the sadness of a great loss. Continue to share the way of joy. Not only does it serve as an avenue of healing, it also enriches all of us who read your messages. God bless you. Thank you for enlightening all of us with your strength, understanding and love of our Lord.

  • Summer says:

    Your words articulate so much of my heart. Our sweet Sawyer went to heaven 4 days after your Henry. Some of your cousins asked a friend to share your blog with me. I’m glad they did. Your writing is real, raw and transparent. I love how you choose to shift your eyes upward…beautiful perspective. Here is our story if you are interested.,-summer-and-casey-joy-stories/

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