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Your Kingdom Come

Your Kingdom Come | The Way of Joy
Your Kingdom Come

“I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”  John 11:25.

Today is April 16.  On this day, last year, we were outside in the sun exploring the desert with our three beautiful children. A year later it is Easter and one of our children has died.  That death has shaken us to our core.  The pain is often overwhelming and we are heartbroken. And yet this Easter, we are so thankful for this life and the hope and joy that the death and resurrection of Jesus bring.  We live our lives in the kingdom of the world and it is all temporary, the joy and the celebration as well as the tragedies and suffering. Christ’s victory over death reminds us that this world is not the final chapter. No matter where we are in life, or what obstacles or pain lie in front of us, the best is yet to come. Lord let your kingdom come and your will be done.

  • Josh and Sarah
  • Easter 2017
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  • Nina Sabin says:

    Happy Easter to you. You are an inspiration to us. May God bless you this Easter and throughout the year.

  • Julie says:


  • Ana says:

    Happy Easter✨May your faith continue to help you carry your cross of loss and pain. Thank you for being such a source of strength and inspiration.

  • Jenn says:

    Thought of your family in church yesterday.
    Prayers you continue to reflect and move forward in the sands of time. God is on the move.

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