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I Choose Joy

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I Choose Joy | The Way of Joy
I Choose Joy

My birthday was the one week anniversary of the death of our sweet Henry. What do you do when you don’t feel like celebrating? You get up, get dressed, and keep moving forward (and go to the trampoline park). My heart is broken, but I choose joy. I feel empty, but I choose joy. My sorrow feels so great at times that I think I might drown in it, but I choose joy. I choose joy because I was blessed with a wife and children in the first place. I choose joy for the twenty months that we got to spend with our rambunctious little force of nature. I choose joy because I am loved. A network of family and friends has encircled the globe to cry with us and hold us up when we have been unable to stand on our own. I choose joy because the sun came up today. I choose joy because I got to spend another day with my family. I choose joy because the world is still a beautiful place. I choose joy because loss is a part of love and death is a part of life. I choose joy because I have been consecrated with a sacred loss that demands that I honor the life of our son. I choose joy because I have a choice.


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